Protect Your Baby Sheep & Goats with CD&T Vaccines
Vaccinating your baby lambs and kids with the CD&T vaccine is one of the most important steps to ensuring their health and long-term productivity.
Here’s why:
What does CD&T stand for?
C: Clostridium perfringens Type C (causes hemorrhagic enterotoxemia)
D: Clostridium perfringens Type D (causes overeating disease)
T: Tetanus (caused by Clostridium tetani, often from wounds or procedures like castration/disbudding)
These diseases can be fatal, but the CD&T vaccine provides essential protection!
When to Vaccinate:
If the dam was vaccinated pre-kidding/lambing:
First dose at 4–6 weeks old.
Booster 3–4 weeks later.
If the dam was NOT vaccinated:
First dose at 2–3 weeks old.
Booster 3–4 weeks later.
RSG clients can order this vaccine from