Breed: Registered-Sheep (Hampshire)
Breeder Name: Shroyer Show Stock
Pedigree Information: Bullet Proof x Player / Kool-Aid
Registered: No
Price: $100
Bullseye left his mark on the show ring, siring champions all across the county and at every level. Now his daughters are turnining into productive machines in the lambing barn, cranking out winners and stud bucks. The top barns in the country are filling their donor pens with his direct daughters. Bullseye, bred by Amthauer, is sired by Bulletproof, a legend in his own right and dammed by a powerful Player daughter, bred right here at Shroyer Show Stock. We felt strongly enough about owning this guy that we invested $75,000 to make Bullseye a part of our stud ram battery. If you are serious about raising better sheep, don’t miss the opportunity to purchase semen on this guy and make him a part of your buck line-up.
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