• Our physical address is 2590 North 500 East, Lebanon, IN 46052. We are 5 miles east of Lebanon, IN and 40 minutes northwest of downtown Indianapolis. Our Texas location address is 3618 FM 382 Ballinger, TX  76821.  We are 36 miles northeast of San Angelo.

  • Please call or email your Account Manager that is helping to coordinate that host site program.

  • This process can be done online by logging into your www.RSGinventory.com account.  Select from your inventory the sire(s) and number of units you would like to ship or pickup. Once the information is completed a member of our Genetics team will be in touch to discuss shipping details, cost and collect a form of payment. 

  • RSG currently has three different platforms our clients can log into for specific needs. The My Account login is for online Semen Catalog ordering and RSG Pharmacy ordering of items that ship directly from RSG. The Inventory login is for access to your genetics storage account.  This allows you to view your inventory, conduct transfers

  • The best way to order semen is on our online catalog. RSG clients with an inventory storage account can purchase from our online catalog and the units will appear in your account automatically. If you do not have an account with us, the best approach is to set up a storage account at www.RSGinventory.com, then

  • The RSG Foundation is a separate nonprofit organization that does provide grants for free genetics.  The Foundation also offers genetics for sale from the Gene Bank online catalog at discounted prices.  Please visit www.RSGfoundationinc.org for more information.

  • In House programming is the process of bringing in client’s donor and/or recipients to RSG a minimum 60 days prior to their scheduled date. RSG then programs the animals and carries out the ET surgeries without requiring involvement from the client. This benefits our clients who are not close enough to our host sites or