The best way to order semen is on our online catalog. RSG clients with an inventory storage account can purchase from our online catalog and the units will appear in your account automatically. If you do not have an account with us, the best approach is to set up a storage account at, then
The RSG Foundation is a separate nonprofit organization that does provide grants for free genetics. The Foundation also offers genetics for sale from the Gene Bank online catalog at discounted prices. Please visit for more information.
In House programming is the process of bringing in client’s donor and/or recipients to RSG a minimum 60 days prior to their scheduled date. RSG then programs the animals and carries out the ET surgeries without requiring involvement from the client. This benefits our clients who are not close enough to our host sites or
We have breeders that haul to us the day of the procedure from as much as 5 hours away. RSG has found that the “At Home” synchronizing of females for both ET and LAI work has several advantages IF the attention for detail is held to a high standard. The ability for donors, recips, and
While RSG officially started in July 2012, Dr. Thompson has been providing reproduction services to the sheep and goat industry through JVC Genetics since 2006. He started working on the techniques needed to breed ewes and goats early in veterinary school. Before graduating from Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Thompson spent 2 months
The earlier you call us ahead of the breeding season, the better chance you have to get your animals bred when you want. Because our lamb/goat show industry is seasonal for breeding and lambing it is more important every year to plan ahead for the breeding work you want done. Basically, CALL NOW, we schedule
The biggest problem we see is that people do not take their ewes off feed and water when they are instructed. The protocol for both LAI and ET calls for the ewes being bred or having surgery to be off feed AND water for 24 hours ahead of the procedure. It is important to follow
Expectations of good quality frozen semen are less than that of good quality fresh semen. In general we see decreased fertilization rates in both LAI and embryo transfer programs using frozen semen.
Semen can be easily shipped through the use of a dry liquid nitrogen tank or dry shipper. Movement of frozen semen straws from one cane to another should be done under liquid nitrogen to ensure semen quality is not damaged due to changes in temperatures. These containers are filled with liquid nitrogen or charged. The