RSG is a USDA Certified Import & Export facility for frozen small ruminant semen and embryos. We have experience working with various countries like Australia, Colombia, Brazil along with the U.K., European Union and all OIE countries.
What We Offer
RSG prides itself on the highest standards of semen and embryo collection, freezing, storage and handling. Our team of licensed Veterinarians and highly skilled technicians provide direct involvement on each step of the process. Our facility in Lebanon, Indiana is equipped to receive both sheep and goats for production of genetics to be exported. We specialize in providing various client services to reach your import and export goals and meet specific countries’ requirements.
Services Offered:
• Embryo Flushing
• Embryo Freezing
• Semen Collection and Freezing
• Permits
• Transportation logistics
• Quarantine Space
• Testing
RSG Advantage
RSG works with thousands of sheep and goat breeders across the U.S. We also have many relationships internationally with Veterinarians and breeders. Our experience and network of breeders allows us to be uniquely positioned to help find the genetics you may be looking for to reach your genetics goals.
Other Resources
To learn more about the Import & Export process for small ruminants we recommend this article in Sheep Industry News: Click To Read