Genetics Catalog Submission
By completing this form, you agree to enter animal information for inclusion in the RSG Genetics Catalog. You will be asked to provide all animal information, submit images, and make payment for the promotional package you’d like. This form can be used for both print catalog and online-only submissions. A Catalog Agreement will be emailed for electronic signature(s) once you’ve submitted and paid within 5 business days. If multiple owners are involved, one person can submit but signatures from each owner are required on the agreement before beginning to sell genetics.

Request Semen Collection
By completing this form, you are requesting RSG collect the semen of a designated male for freezing at our Lebanon, Indiana, or Ballinger, Texas locations. Form submission does not guarantee a schedule for male collection. This is the first step in getting on the collection schedule. A member of the Genetics team will follow up to confirm a collection date and provide additional details.
To learn more about this process and current pricing visit our Semen Collection page.
Complete A Semen Release or Transfer
All semen releases and transfers can now be completed by the client in the RSG Genetic Inventory Management Platform. This process can be initiated on the Inventory tab by viewing an animal in your inventory and selecting the Sell/Transfer button. Be sure to have the email address of the purchaser that they use for their Genetic Inventory Management Platform account.
Check out the User Guide here for more information: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/cu/meWLydW/RSGInventoryUserGuide
Request Shipping or Pick Up of Frozen Genetics
All Shipping and Pick Up requests are now completed through the RSG Genetic Inventory Management Platform. This process can be initiated on the Inventory tab by viewing an animal in your inventory and selecting the Withdraw button. You will be able to enter any special request in the notes section when submitting a request. Upon competition of this form a member of our Genetics Team will respond to collect final shipping details, provide an estimated cost and collect payment information. Pick Ups will also be confirmed for the requested date and time of arrival.
Check out the User Guide here for more information: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/cu/meWLydW/RSGInventoryUserGuide
Sponsorship Request
Due to the large number of sponsorship requests we receive this automated system is the only way we accept proposals to evaluate for sponsorship. All unsolicited calls, faxes, emails, text or other contact will be directed to this automated portal as the first step to presenting a sponsorship opportunity to RSG.